For more information Ask A Question
- Alexandria Memories
- One on One Computer Help
- Computer Discussions
- Computer Practice
- Figure Drawing
- French – Conversational
- Friday History Group
- Italian for Beginners Part 1
- Italian for Beginners Part 2
- Intermediate Italian
- Military History
- New York Memories
- Photo Club
- Poetry Group
- Spanish Beginner
- Spanish Conversation
- Theater Club – Readings
- The Vegetable Garden
- Woodworking
Alexandria Memories
3rd Monday, 1:00 PM
Room 216
Leader: Anna Dodson
If you are interested in the history of Alexandria, this is the group for you. Each month we discuss a facet of Alexandria’s history. In the coming months we have planned a two-month program about Alexandria and Slavery. Participants may choose a topic they would like to hear about, and almost any topic is acceptable. Join us and share your memories.
One-on-One Computer Help
As scheduled – Thursday, 11:00 AM
Room 215
Contact: Jennifer Smith
Sign-up in the Orange Folder
We offer “one-on-one” sessions. The Instructor and student spend one hour discussing and solving computer problems and practices. Reservations only.
Computer Discussion w/Bob
Every Tuesday from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
DROP-IN – Reservations not required
Hollin Hall’s Computer Lab – Room 215
Leader: Bob Brubaker
Drop in and join us (no registration required) for lively discussion based classes on a wide range of home entertainment, computer and smart phone topics. Some classes cover home network security and privacy issues related to all of the above. NO homework, NO tests, and NO one fails.
Computer Practice
You may use our computers between 9:00 AM and 3:30 PM whenever classes are not scheduled.
Check computer board on first floor across from the SCANDESK for schedule of classes.
Figure Drawing
Tuesday and Thursday, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Room 109 (2nd Tuesday in Cosy Corner)
Leader: Ann Allman
What’s the best way to keep cognitive abilities sharp?
According to a recent university study, drawing the human figure for 3 hours a week beat out physical exercise and word puzzles. Plus, it’s fun! No experience necessary — and no special talent. The aim is to develop a new and effective way to exercise your brain.
French – Conversational
Wednesday, 2:00 PM, Room 201
Leader: Henry James
This class is designed for those who have sufficient knowledge of French to carry on regular conversations but who need to improve their skills and confidence. Emphasis will be on conversations dealing with subjects selected by the students. There will be a minimum of grammar.
Friday History Group – The Great Courses Videos
Second and Fourth Fridays
10:00 AM to Noon
Room 218
No meeting during July and August or when the Senior Center is closed.
Normally scheduled for second and fourth Friday of the month. Drop-in.
2019 | ||
Date | Topic | Description |
2020 | ||
April 10 | Great Courses’ Videos | The Vikings |
April 24 | Great Courses’ Videos | The Vikings |
May 8 | Great Courses’ Videos | The Vikings |
May 22 | Great Courses’ Videos | The Vikings |
Italian for Beginners: Part 1
Wednesday, 10:00 AM to 11:15: AM
Room 215
Leader Manny Bartolotta
From the Beginning.
Italian for Beginners: Part 2
Wednesday, 11:30 AM to 12:15: AM
Room 215
Leader Manny Bartolotta
We will start where we left off last year.
Intermediate Italian Classes
Thursday, 10 a.m.
Room 215
Bob Lieberman
Beginning on Thursday, December 12.
5 Student Minimum Required
Reservations Required – Sign up in Orange Binder
New York Memories
3rd Friday, 10:20 AM
Room 216
Co- Leader: Bob Conley, Bronx Native
Co- Leader: Gerry Grant, Manhattan Native
What started as Hometown Memories has grown over the past eight years to become a fascinating look at New York…now and in the past. We encourage anyone who would like to research and present a program to do so. Think of it as a self-enriching experience! You do not need to be a New Yorker to enjoy this group…We Welcome Everyone!
The yearly agenda is available in a folder on the bulletin board next to the office.
Photo Club
2nd Friday, 10:00 AM
Room 216
Leader: John Evans
The Photo Club brings together seniors interested in learning about digital photography. Training is provided at monthly club meetings by videos featuring expert photographers from the National Geographic Society. As members become more proficient, they have the opportunity to display their photographs for a month at the HHSC for all seniors at the center to see. The club has a computer with photo editing program installed where members of the club can download their images, edit them, then copy those images to a disk to take home and print their pictures. All this is accomplished with supervision by club members ready to assist.
Poetry Group
1st Friday, 11:00 AM
Room 203
Co-Facilitators: Peter Lattu and Trish Green
NEW! Try something new! Meet new People! No sign up required.
Spanish Beginner
Thursday, 1:30 PM
Room 201
Instructor: Miriam M. Guitierrez
Text used: Easy Spanish: Step-By-Step by Barbara Bregstein.
Class has progressed together. New members must have a working knowledge of Spanish.
Tuesday, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Room 213
Leader: Humberto Sanchez
The object of this course is to remember vocabulary from high school or college and with this material, form sentences for everyday use in order to converse enough to communicate in the Spanish world. The bottom line is to learn a very basic Spanish and to have fun.
Theater Club –Readings
Friday, 1:00 PM
Room 109, September through June
Leaders: George Cromwell
Mystery! Drama! Comedy! Theater Classics!
The Reading Theater Club offers something different — a way to be yourself being someone else!
Members read and play-act scenes and short plays to entertain ourselves and our friends. Performances are informal – no stage fright worries! Acting experience is not necessary. We rehearse during regular meetings every Friday at 1:00 p.m. Join us to try out your acting skills and have fun!
The Vegetable Garden
“Fast Food” Center of Hollin Hall Senior Center
Contact: Becky Bilowus
For people who want to try growing their own vegetables, reap the physical and mental benefits of communing with nature in our small organic garden, located right outside Room 112 on the grounds of Hollin Hall Senior Center. Becky will provide tools and seed expertise, including introduction and additional information as needed. You do the planting, weeding and (hopefully) eating.Even if you are not a gardener, check out our garden board to see announcements of upcoming programs, articles of interest and garden records.Fresh air and exercise is good for the body and soul!
The woodworking room is for individuals who are members of the Center, and have completed the Safety Training Class before using the woodworking shop.Participants must have some knowledge of woodworking equipment before using the room.