Click here to see the list of Programs, Activities, Classes, Meetings, and Events and Trips.
Calendar Highlights
Virtual Activities
For complete descriptions of the classes, visit the Virtual Center for Active Adults Class Descriptions.
Follow this link to join any of these classes on a computer, smartphone, tablet: bit.ly/VCAAzoom2
To join by phone, call 1-301-715-8592; Meeting ID: 905 123 5932#; Meeting password: 3636#
Click for Calendar of Virtual Events
Virtual Activities are available see links below.
Special events are on the HHSC News and Activities web page.

Technical Education for Seniors
Neighborhood and Community Services offers a wide variety of technology training courses at each Senior Centers. This initiative offers training on a variety of topics
Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

The Senior Community Service
Employment Program (SCSEP) is
focused on the needs of mature
workers in the community.
Participants receive a stipend while
attending training, searching for a
job, and building their skills at a
local non-profit organization.
If you are age 55 or older, currently
unemployed, and meet certain
financial criteria, you may be
eligible. Contact a SCSEP team
member today to find out if SCSEP is
right for you!
For more information or to apply, contact 703-827-3782, 711 VA Relay, or
For food and other Vital Assistance

Contact Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning (CSP).
CSP specialists are ready to listen and assist you by providing access and referrals to both county and community-based resources.
Are you facing difficulties, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, healthcare and more other needs?
Call 703-222-0880 for assistance.
Please call 703-267-3511 for more information or visit these websites: