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Hollin Hall Senior Center for Creative Retirement ~ Celebrating Life After 50!
Striving to Educate, Enlighten, Enrich, and Empower the Mount Vernon Community!Hollin Hall Senior Center is an 18 room center. What good fortune to have such a wonderful space for the community to come together.
Hollin Hall Senior Center is your place to connect, a place to build new skills, form a community, and stay healthy and active. Our mission is to enhance the Fairfax County community and quality of life for citizens 50 years of age or older.
• Promoting healthy lifestyles
• Encouraging life-long learning
• Facilitating community involvement
• Supporting human service activities and programs in our community at largeThis is a home away from home for many.
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Welcome! The annual cost for membership is $48. (in-county) and $100 for out-of-county residents.
Please call 703-765-4573 if you have further questions. The membership process must be done in the senior center – no on-line option.
For a list of our activities, you can visit the County website at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ncs or our own website at www.hollinhallseniorcenter.org.
You can come in any day M-F 8-4 to check us out and participate in an activity to see if it’s a good fit for you. We keep copies of our newsletter/calendars in the lobby as you walk in.
We have several daily fitness programs, social activities (such as Harmonica, Theatre Group, Singing Group, Train Club) trips, and more.
** We accept cash, checks, credit cards, and money orders.
Visit our Membership page for complete membership information.
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Hollin Hall Senior Center is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
We are closed on Fairfax County and Federal holidays.
See the Policy for Closures and Delayed Openings.
Hours of Operation
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday- FridayWas this helpful?1
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Visitors are welcome but do need to sign in at the Concierge Desk.
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Decisions regarding the delayed opening or closure of Fairfax County Senior Centers are made with the utmost regard for the safety of our participants and our staff. You may learn of status updates by contacting Hollin Hall Senior Center (703) 765-4573
In the event of inclement weather, the Department of Neighborhood and Community posts all facility and transportation status updates online at Fairfax County Neighborhood Community Services Inclement Weather Policy.
- When Fairfax County Government is OPEN and Fairfax County Public Schools are CLOSED or DELAYED: All Community, Teen and Senior Centers will open as scheduled (where conditions permit – any exceptions will be posted online). Transportation services to Senior Centers will be canceled and Senior Center lunches will not be provided. Please be sure to contact your selected facility directly before leaving your home to verify operational status and for specific updates on programs, classes and activities.
- When Fairfax County Government is DELAYED: All Community, Teen and Senior Centers will open on a delayed schedule (where conditions permit – any exceptions will be posted online). Transportation services to Senior Centers will be canceled and Senior Center lunches will not be provided. Please contact your desired location directly before leaving your home to verify operational status and for specific updates on programs, classes and activities.
- When Fairfax County Government is CLOSED: All Community, Teen and Senior Centers are closed
You may also learn of status updates by contacting Hollin Hall Senior Center (703) 765-4573 or by calling:
Neighborhood and Community Services Main Office: (703) 324-4600, TTY 711
Human Services Transportation (e.g. FASTRAN): (703) 222-9764, TTY 711SNOW AND INCLEMENT WEATHER CONTACT INFORMATION:
Hollin Hall Senior Center (703) 765-4573 Neighborhood and Community Services Main Office (703) 324-4600 TTY 711 Fairfax County Emergency Information Line (703) 817-7771 TTY 711 Television (Local Stations) Cable Channel 16, 21 County Website www.fairfaxcounty.gov Neighborhood and Community Services Website www.fairfaxcounty.gov/NCS Fairfax County Emergency Radio 1670 AM Was this helpful?0
Hits: 182admin
Senior Centers offer prepared lunches for participants and guests. Reservation requirements may vary from site to site. Hollin Hall currently places orders on a daily basis. Your order must be placed no later than 2:00 p.m. on the day before your meal request date. Sample menus are available in the foyer.
Click https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/neighborhood-community-services/senior-centers/meals to see the cost of meals.
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Hollin Hall offers a wide array of classes and activities. A list of our daily activities, programs, clubs, and trips can be found in the latest copy of our Highlights at Program Guides / Highlights. Classes can be found on the Classes page. Activities on the Leisure Activities page. Clubs are listed on the Clubs page. The daily schedule of programs are listed on Events and Programs page.
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Senior Centers do offer prepared lunches for participants and guests. Reservation requirements may vary from site to site. Hollin Hall currently places orders on a daily basis. Your meal order must be in no later than 2:00 pm on the day before your meal request date. Sample menus are available in the foyer.
Click on this link Neighborhood Community Services Senior Centers Meals
You may contact us at 703-765-4573, TTY 711.
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- Wednesday Trips of Necessity require a 5-person minimum sign up for the trip to occur. Please alert staff if you've signed up for a trip in advance and need to cancel.
- Charter Trips (other trips to museum exhibitions, sporting events, etc.) require a 10-person minimum sign up for the trip to occur. Again, please alert staff if you've signed up for a trip in advance and need to cancel.
- The staff take your trip suggestions seriously. A lot of planning goes into the process of scheduling a trip. Talk it up with your friends and other center members to ensure that we have enough people for the trip to be a success!
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Sign up in Main Office for Charter Trips, Pot Lucks or any event requiring payment
Special Programs/Reservations Requested
Special programs are a one-time program that requires any interested member to sign up for. Reservations are requested. The notebook is on the First Floor in the Orange Binder in Foyer as you enter the building.
Members do not need to sign up to attend program or activity. If you continue with the group, make sure that you are added to the Club Roster in the Main Office.
Open to the Public
Anything that has been advertised as such, in-house or as a local news release.
Wednesday Trips of Necessity
Now in Purple Binder on Lobby SideboardWas this helpful?0
Hits: 237admin
Hollin Hall Senior Center welcomes high school volunteers. Contact the office and let us know what days, times you are available and your interests. We want to make your volunteer time with us mutually successful.
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Hollin Hall currently offers transportation to and from the Center on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays via Fastran. Applications for service are available at at Hollin Hall Senior Center.
Your application alone does not guarantee approved transportation. Schedulers will review which catchment area you are in, bus/route availability, bus seating, and time availability.
**NOTE: If there is not an option available at the time of application, the Senior Center can reapply for the individual every 30 days. You will be put on a waiting list.
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Emergency Treatment: Senior Center staff have permission, in the event of an emergency to: (1) notify your emergency contact and/or (2) at your expense utilize the most convenient rescue squad vehicle or ambulance to transport you to the nearest hospital.
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We support and appreciate all of our community guest speakers sharing their knowledge and expertise with our membership. Hollin Hall Senior Center is a Fairfax County Center with the Department of Neighborhood and Community Services. Our guest speakers are informed in advance that they may not take names, phone numbers, and addresses, suggest that students take a paid class with them outside the center or hold a drawing while here at the center. They MAY distribute business cards and handouts upon request. Hollin Hall Senior Center and the Department of Neighborhood and Community Services does not and cannot endorse the businesses presenting at the center. Thank you.
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Terms of Membership/Code of Conduct: All participants must comply with the following Code of Conduct. Inappropriate behavior is not permitted at senior centers. Inappropriate behaviors include but are not limited to:
1) inability to exhibit self-control and appropriate self-conduct
2) use of abusive, insulting, obscene, or racially derogatory language
3) theft
4) destruction of equipment or supplies
5) harassment of any kind to other participants or staff members
6) physical or sexual assault, battery, or improper touching
7) possession or consumption of illicit drugs, alcoholic beverages, or public intoxication
8) loitering, smoking, gambling, solicitation, or panhandlingWas this helpful?0
Hits: 109admin
Photograph: By signing the Membership form, you give permission to be photographed and/or videotaped, unless a separate written request not to be photographed/videotaped is submitted to Neighborhood and Community Services (NCS). The media may be used by Fairfax County or the Senior Center Council to promote Senior Center activities in printed or electronic format, and you give permission for that use.
Confidentiality & FOIA: In accordance with the Privacy Protection Act of 1976, the requested information will be used only to coordinate activities of this agency. Some of the information contained in the Membership form may be released to a person who requests such information in accordance with the requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. As this statement indicates, not all information collected is subject to availability under the FOIA. Medical information, anything relating to mental or physical well-being, social security numbers, and letters written to NCS regarding participants or personnel are exempt from FOIA requests.
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Personal Insurance and Security: You should carry personal insurance covering yourself while participating in Fairfax County programs. You are responsible for securing your own personal possessions.
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Liability Waiver: There are risks inherent to participation in recreational activities and you agree to hold harmless the County of Fairfax, its officers, employees, and volunteers from any and all claims from bodily injury and/or property damage which result from your participation in any and all activities sponsored by the County.
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Hits: 86admin
Contact Fairfax County Adult Protective Services. Phone: 703-324-7450
The Goals of Adult Protective Services are to:
- Protect older adults and incapacitated adults from abuse, neglect or exploitation.
- Prevent abuse, neglect or exploitation of older adults and incapacitated adults.
- Help older and incapacitated adults continue to live in their own homes as long as possible.
- Help older and incapacitated adults find appropriate placements in nursing homes or other institutions only when necessary.
- Help older adults and incapacitated adults become as self-sufficient as possible.
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What activities are offered? How do I participate?
Transportation related questions
Safety and business policies