Connect to Online Resources and Virtual Activities
Explore the websites listed below to stay informed, engaged and connected while you practice social distancing and self isolation.

Neighborhood and Community Services
Senior Centers Virtual Activities
NCS has put together a web page of virtual activities selected for older adults and sorted into these categories:
– Health, Fitness and Self-Care
– Fine Arts Performances
– Live Animal Cams
-Art and History Museums

The Senior Community Service Employment Program
ABOUT: The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is focused on the needs of mature
workers in the community.
Participants receive a stipend while
attending training, searching for a
job, and building their skills at a
local non-profit organization.
FROM HOME: While the Novel Coronavirus
(COVID-19) outbreak restrictions
remain in place, job seekers can
prepare for training site
placement and employment from
the safety of their home. Job
readiness materials and online
training options are now available
for active participants.
APPLY TODAY: If you are age 55 or older, currently
unemployed, and meet certain
financial criteria, you may be
eligible. Contact a SCSEP team
member today to find out if SCSEP is
right for you!
For more information or to apply,
contact 703-827-3782, 711 VA Relay, or

In addition to keeping you informed with the most up-to-date information, the Emergency Blog also shares resources and ideas for staying engaged and practicing self-care during these challenging times.

Burke/West Springfield Senior Center Without Walls
Discover a wide variety of virtual activity ideas, including games, crafts, languages, dances, tai chi, music and more.
Preview in new tab

Fairfax County Public Library
The library offers many enjoyable and educational resources that you can connect to from home using your library card.
Browse and borrow eBooks, eAudiobooks and magazines. Explore educational databases and take online courses. Discover your roots using their wide variety of genealogy resources. If you don’t have a library card, you can apply for one online and use it immediately to access their resources.